Back to School Drive
July 7-14, 2024

Every year, some students go back to school without basic school supplies. Let’s be FOR these students in our community and ensure they have the tools they need to succeed.
We’ve partnered with North Gwinnett Co-Op and made it simple for you to make a difference.
1. Sponsor a school supply kit so students get exactly what they need. Each $46 donation provides a kit for one student. And…
2. Drop off a new, empty backpack in the lobby on July 7 or 14 or throughout the week at Hamilton Mill Church.
Our Hamilton Mill Church goal this year is to support 100 students and YOU can make a difference!

What a great way to be FOR the next generation!
Any amount will make on impact on a student's school experience this year. Check out the tools in the school supply kits you get to provide:
Crayons, Rulers, 1” Binders, Pencils, Pens, Colored Pencils, Highlighters, Markers, Dry Erase Markers, Whiteboard Erasers, Erasers, Correction Tape, Metal Compass, Protractors, Paper, Dividers, Sticky Notes, Index Cards, College Ruled Paper, Wide Ruled Paper, Composition Notebooks, Pencil Sharpeners, Pocket Folders, Spiral Notebooks, Graph Paper, Flash Drive, Earbuds, Pencil Pouch, School Supply Boxes, Gluesticks