Community Group Leader FAQ

For leaders launching Community Groups

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Thank you for choosing to lead a Community Group.

Groups will open Sunday, August 15 and launch the week of August 29.

Please save the date for a leader training dates (will be offered digitally and in person) on August 22 and October 3 for new leaders only.

See below for answers to commonly asked questions as well as tips on how to prepare for launching your new Community Group.

How will my group meet?

Groups will initially launch the week of August 29 on their selected weekday/weeknight. There will NOT be a Group Launch event at the church. Talk to your Groups Director if you don’t currently have access to a digital platform.

What is a typical Community Group meeting schedule?

Groups meet weekly for an hour to two hours. Group will meet weekly for three months, with a few breaks taken during the course of the group. Your first meeting will be the week of August 29 on your selected weekday/weeknight and will end around the beginning of December.

There will NOT be a Group Launch event at the church.

What will my group study?

We’ve created a complete guide to use during your three-month group, so there’s no guesswork. It includes everything you need: leader tips, specific socials, assigned weekly studies, and an opportunity to engage and serve. We’ll also email your group members to help keep them engaged and informed during your time together. Leading the group will be clear and simple!

Can I add group members from my last group to my new group?

Yes. Communicate with current group members who will be joining your group to let them know they don’t need to register. We’ll reach out to you to get their information and add them to your group roster. Group members should save the date for your group’s first meeting the week of August 29.

When will member registration open and close?

Group member registration opens on August 15 and closes on September 11. 

Registration is open, and I don’t see my group online.

When group member registration opens on Sunday, August 15, your group will be visible online until registration closes the following week or your group fills.

If your roster changes throughout the day, you’ll receive an updated roster at the end of the day. You can confirm on your roster that all your group spots have been filled.

How often will I receive roster updates?

If your roster changes throughout the day, you’ll receive an updated roster at the end of the day. You can confirm on your roster that all your group spots have been filled.

A group member is no longer able to be part of the group. Who do I inform so I can fill that spot?

If a new member isn’t able to move forward with your group, they can use the “MAKE A CHANGE” button at the bottom of their confirmation email to update their group registration. They can remove themselves from your group without joining a new one or switch to a group that still has openings. After your group member removes themselves from the group, someone else will be able to fill their spot. You’ll receive an updated roster at the end of the day showing a change in your group membership.

Is childcare provided during regular group meetings?

Childcare is not provided, but we provide a childcare supplement (at a predetermined rate) if you need a babysitter in order to attend regular group meetings.

What if I haven't received a roster yet?

If you have not received an updated roster, please check your spam folder. If you do not see your roster in your spam folder, please contact us.

1. Plan to attend the leader kickoff event.

Please plan to attend the Leader Training on August 22 and October 3 for new leaders only.

2. Connect with your group before your first meeting.

We encourage you to reach out to group members each week leading up to your launch. We've created some templates for you to use.

  • When you get your first roster, welcome your group members using this email template.
  • As your roster grows, start a get-to-know-you conversation with all group members (new and existing) using this template.
  • The day before your first meeting, send a reminder email using this template.

3. Tell us how it’s going.

After your group meets for a few weeks, we will reach out to see how things are going. You’ll have the opportunity to let us know which members have been able to attend your meetings and update your group roster.