I'm Catherine, and I'm Made For More.

When I moved here with my husband, I had the hardest time meeting people. I knew, since I had been in a small group at my last church, that small groups would be a great way to meet new people, so we became married small group leaders. God brought lots of great people into our lives who we still talk to.

I remember going to a training, and we talked about people being messy and meeting people where they are. And then at the end Rahul read the great commission over us, and for the first time I felt called to go and make disciples of all nations. This was my calling. I was no longer just a consumer. I had a greater purpose now.

Eventually the married group finished, and I decided to join a women's small group to meet some new mom friends. My mom had just passed away weeks before, and I just needed people. Later that fall, my small group leader moved out of state, but before she left she asked one of the group members to step up and keep the group going. I prayed and prayed and waited. Finally, after waiting for anyone who might want to lead to say something, I decided to try leading again. I was definitely shaky and unorganized at first, but God saw me through and helped me figure it out.

I have been leading groups for seven years now. It has been the biggest blessing. Our group was together almost five years—even through COVID—and now most of them volunteer and lead in other parts of the church. I don't know of friendships more special to me. I met them by just checking yes to what God wanted for meby just creating the space for others to come together and share their life and learn about God together. I learned so much about myself in group. And God saw me through in the most beautiful ways.

You are Made For More, too. If you have been a member in two or more groups and are ready to be part of someone else’s story, then Adult Group Leadership is for you!

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