We’re in a really busy phase of life. We’ve been married for 22 years and have four kids in between the 5th and 10th grades. Most days are spent shuffling between soccer, piano, robotics, swimming, and church activities.
We recently realized we had become isolated from other adults. Sure, we were often standing on the sidelines with other parents, but we weren’t connecting in real ways. In a message last year, Joel Thomas shared that the number of practicing Christians was decreasing in our culture. We were motivated to put our faith into practice and be intentional about developing community with parents in our same stage of life. We felt that leading a group would be a small thing we could do to help others like us connect.
Being in a group has allowed us to have regular connections with other parents and not have to plan, think about, or reschedule our gatherings. Group has created a habit of connecting with others when it otherwise would not be a priority on the calendar.
We’ve found that life is better connected. Leading a group has brought the relationships to a deeper level and allowed us to express what’s really going on in our lives, in a way that just can’t happen on the sidelines.
You are Made For More, too. If you have been a member in two or more groups and are ready to be part of someone else’s story, then Adult Group Leadership is for you!