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Reed Moore
Feb 2021

All of us could use a little less stress and a little more peace in our lives. Yet, peace can be hard to find and, even when we find it,...

What's Next?

Reed Moore
Nov 2020

Thinking about what’s next in life can be challenging, especially in times like these. Stepping into a new reality can be even harder and...

The Road Ahead

Jeff Henderson
Aug 2020

Whether you know it or not, God has a plan for your future. In uncertain times such as these, the road ahead can become harder to see....

Surviving COVID: An Interview with Stuart and Kellee Hall

Andy Stanley with Stuart and Kellee Hall
Jul 12, 2020

When tragedy strikes, it's natural to ask the question Why me? The harder and more unnatural question is How can I make this matter?

Anchored in the Storm

Jeff Henderson
May 2020

We are currently in the midst of uncertain times. It can feel as if life is changing by the minute. In the midst of these seasons, we can...
