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Better For It

Andy Stanley
May 2020

A new normal is coming. If we're wise, we'll reflect on what we've learned and what we want to carry forward. After all, pain without any...

Anchored in the Storm

Jeff Henderson
May 2020

We are currently in the midst of uncertain times. It can feel as if life is changing by the minute. In the midst of these seasons, we can...

Time Well Spent

Jeff Henderson
Feb 2020

We spend so much of our time doing things we don't want to do or that don't matter. There's little to show for the time we spent. What if...

Hindsight for 2020

Andy Stanley
Jan 05, 2020

There are a lot of things you need to do this year. There are a lot of things you can and will do. But what’s one thing you must do?...
